Dieses Album ist sicher nicht das erste seiner Karriere, wir möchten euch an Alben wie
The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 1 erinnern.
Die 186 Lieder, dass das Album bestehen, sind die folgenden:
Hier ist eine kleine Liederliste, die sich Percy Bysshe Shelley singen entscheiden könnte, einschließlich des Albums, aus dem jedes Lied kommt:
- On Death
- Music
- Marianne's Dream
- Orpheus
- To Jane: The Recollection
- To Jane: ‘The Keen Stars Were Twinkling'
- Lines Written Among The Euganean Hills
- Ode To Naples (Epode 1b)
- Lines Written On Hearing The News Of The Death Of Napoleon
- Fragment: ‘I Would Not Be A King'
- Fragment Of A Satire On Satire
- The Sunset
- Fragment: ‘I Stood Upon A Heaven-Cleaving Turret'
- To —.' Yet Look On Me.'
- To William Shelley II
- Arethusa
- Sonnet (Lift not the painted veil...)
- Scene From ‘Tasso'
- From The Arabic: An Imitation
- Ode To Naples (Strophe 2)
- To Jane: The Invitation
- Fragment: The Deserts Of Dim Sleep
- Lines Written During The Castlereagh Administration
- Fragment: Sufficient Unto The Day
- The Cloud
- To —. ‘Oh! There are Spirits of The Air'
- The Indian Serenade
- Fragments Written For Hellas
- Lines Written In The Bay Of Lerici
- The Woodman And The Nightingale
- To Sophia
- Mutability II (The flower that smiles today...)
- To Emilia Viviani
- Fragment: ‘Methought I Was A Billow In The Crowd'
- The Isle
- Hymn Of Pan
- Fragment: ‘O Thou Immortal Deity'
- Dirge For The Year
- Fragment: Death In Life
- Fragment: To Byron
- Fragment: To The People Of England
- Fragment: Pater Omnipotens
- Invocation To Misery
- National Anthem
- Autumn: A Dirge
- Fragment: Music And Sweet Poetry
- Fragment: Zephyrus The Awakener
- Fragment: A Serpent-Face
- On The Medusa Of Leonardo Da Vinci In The Florentine Gallery
- The Sensitive Plant Part I
- The Waning Moon
- Lines To A Reviewer
- An Exhortation
- From The Original Draft Of The Poem To William Shelley
- Ode To Naples (Epode 1a)
- The Aziola
- The Two Spirits: An Allegory
- Fragment: ‘The Viewless And Invisible Consequence'
- Fragment: “Amor Aeternus'
- The Zucca
- Remembrance
- Hymn Of Apollo
- On A Faded Violet
- Fragment: ‘When Soft Winds And Sunny Skies'
- Fragment: ‘Alas! This Is Not What I Thought Life Was'
- Liberty
- To Edward Williams
- Stanzas Written In Dejection, Near Naples
- Epitaph
- Good-Night
- Fragment: ‘Great Spirit'
- Otho
- Fragment: ‘Such Hope, As Is The Sick Despair Of Good'
- Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 1b)
- Fragment: Rain
- Fragment: Love's Tender Atmosphere
- To Mary Shelley II
- A Lament
- Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 2b)
- Fragment: To One Singing
- Death
- Ozymandias
- To Constantia
- Lines To A Critic
- Fragment: ‘My Head Is Wild With Weeping'
- An Ode, Written October, 1819, Before The Spaniards Had Recovered Their Liberty
- To Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
- The Magnetic Lady To Her Patient
- Stanzas.—April, 1814
- Song Of Proserpine While Gathering Flowers On The Plain Of Enna
- Lines: ‘When The Lamp Is Shattered'
- The Tower Of Famine
- Fragment: ‘And That I Walk Thus Proudly Crowned'
- Ode to the West Wind
- A Vision Of The Sea
- Fiordispina
- Ode To Naples (Epode 2a)
- Fragment: Milton's Spirit
- To Mary —
- Hymn To Intellectual Beauty
- Stanza, Written At Bracknell
- Evening: Ponte Al Mare, Pisa
- Fragment: ‘The Rude Wind Is Singing'
- Song
- Ode To Liberty
- Fragment: Wedded Souls
- The Fugitives
- To The Moon
- Lines: ‘That Time is Dead For Ever'
- Fragments Supposed To Be Parts Of Otho
- Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 1a)
- Fragment: ‘The Death Knell Is Ringing'
- With A Guitar, To Jane
- A Hate-Song
- Fragment: May The Limner
- Fragment: Life Rounded With Sleep
- Fragment On Keats
- Sonnet: Political Greatness
- ‘Mighty Eagle'
- Marenghi
- Fragment: Beauty's Halo
- Lines: ‘We Meet Not As We Parted'
- Sonnet To Byron
- Fragment: Satan Broken Loose
- The Pine Forest Of The Cascine Near Pisa
- Ginevra
- Time
- Fragment: Home
- Cancelled Stanza
- The Boat On The Serchio
- Time Long Past
- The World's Wanderers
- Fragment: To The Mind Of Man
- Fragment: ‘Unrisen Splendour Of The Brightest Sun'
- Fragment: ‘I Faint, I Perish With My Love!'
- Variation Of The Song Of The Moon
- Fragment: To The Moon
- Fragment: ‘Ye Gentle Visitations Of Calm Thought'
- To Constantia, Singing
- Epithalamium
- To Harriet
- Ode To Naples (Epode 2b)
- Mutability
- Fragment: The Lake's Margin
- Buona Notte
- To William Shelley III
- A Fragment: To Music
- The Past
- Another Fragment: To Music
- To The Nile
- To William Shelley
- Fragment: ‘A Gentle Story Of Two Lovers Young'
- Fragment: The False Laurel And The True
- Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 2a)
- Fragment: A Wanderer
- Song To The Men Of England
- The Sensitive Plant Part III
- An Allegory
- Passage Of The Apennines
- To-Morrow
- Lines: ‘The Cold Earth Slept Below'
- Fragment: Apostrophe To Silence
- On Fanny Godwin
- Fragment: “Igniculus Desiderii'
- Love, Hope, Desire, And Fear
- Fragment: The Vine-Shroud
- A Summer Evening Churchyard
- Fragment: The Lady Of The South
- Summer And Winter
- Cancelled Passage
- Fragment: To A Friend Released From Prison
- Song For ‘Tasso'
- Fragment: Thoughts Come And Go In Solitude
- The Sensitive Plant Part II
- Love's Philosophy
- Fragment: Love The Universe To-Day
- Fragment: ‘Follow To The Deep Wood's Weeds'
- Ode To Naples (Strophe 1)
- Similes For Two Political Characters Of 1819
- ‘O That A Chariot Of Cloud Were Mine'
- The Birth Of Pleasure
- The Question
- Stanzas 1 And 2
- To Mary Shelley
- To The Lord Chancellor
- To A Skylark