Informationen über das Album The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 1 von Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wir vorstellen Ihnen das neue Album von Percy Bysshe Shelley mit dem Titel The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 1. Das Album wurde am Montag 24 März 2025 herausgegeben.
Dieses Album ist sicher nicht das erste seiner Karriere, wir möchten euch an Alben wie The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 2 erinnern.
Die 72 Lieder, dass das Album bestehen, sind die folgenden:
Hier ist eine kurze Liederliste, die von Percy Bysshe Shelley geschrieben sind. Die könnten während des Konzerts gespielt werden und sein Referenzalbum:
- Hellas
- The Witch Of Atlas
- Julian and Maddalo
- The Cenci (Act 4 Scene 2)
- Charles The First (Scene 1)
- The Cenci (Act 5 Scene 3)
- The Cenci (Act 3 Scene 1)
- Miching Mallecho Part I
- To Mary (On Her Objecting To The Following Poem, Upon The Score Of Its Containing No Human Interest)
- Canto IX (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Oedipus Tyrannus (Act 2 Scene 1.2)
- The Cenci (Act 3 Scene 2)
- Charles The First (Scene 4)
- Charles The First (Scene 2)
- Letter To Maria Gisborne
- The Cenci (Act 5 Scene 4)
- Hellas (Dramatis Personae)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.3)
- Canto VIII (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Passages Of The Poem, Or Connected Therewith
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 3 Scene 3.4)
- Canto IV (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Canto I (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.4)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 3 Scene 3.2)
- Charles The First (Dramatis Personae)
- The Cenci (Act 1 Scene 3)
- Canto XI (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Prometheus Unbound (Dramatis Personae)
- The Cenci (Act 1 Scene 1)
- The Cenci (Act 5 Scene 2)
- The Cenci (Dramatis Personae)
- The Triumph Of Life
- Oedipus Tyrannus (Act 2 Scene 2.2)
- The Cenci (Act 2 Scene 2)
- The Daemon Of The World Part I
- Oedipus Tyrannus (Act 1 Scene 1.1)
- Prince Athanase Part I
- The Cenci (Act 4 Scene 1)
- Rosalind, Helen, And Her Child
- Charles The First (Scene 5)
- The Cenci (Act 4 Scene 3)
- Prince Athanase Part II
- The Daemon Of The World Part II
- The Cenci (Act 5 Scene 1)
- Dedication (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 3 Scene 3.1)
- Miching Mallecho Part II
- Oedipus Tyrannus (Dramatis Personae)
- The Cenci (Act 1 Scene 2)
- The Cenci (Act 2 Scene 1)
- Epipsychidion
- Miching Mallecho Part IV
- Canto VII (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Charles The First (Scene 3)
- Canto V (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Canto II (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 1)
- Canto VI (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Miching Mallecho Part V
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 4 Scene 4.1)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 3 Scene 3.3)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.1)
- The Cenci (Act 4 Scene 4)
- Canto XII (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.5)
- Miching Mallecho Part VII
- Canto III (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Miching Mallecho Part III
- Prologue (Miching Mallecho)
- Canto X (The Revolt Of Islam)
- Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.2)