Informationen über das Album The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 2 von Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley hat endlich Donnerstag 19 Dezember 2024 sein neues Album herausgegeben, genannt The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 2.
Dieses Album ist sicher nicht das erste seiner Karriere, wir möchten euch an Alben wie The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 1 erinnern.
Die 186 Lieder, dass das Album bestehen, sind die folgenden:
Hier ist eine kleine Liederliste, die sich Percy Bysshe Shelley singen entscheiden könnte, einschließlich des Albums, aus dem jedes Lied kommt:
- On Death
- The Sunset
- Fragment: ‘Ye Gentle Visitations Of Calm Thought'
- Sonnet To Byron
- Summer And Winter
- Fragment: To A Friend Released From Prison
- Fragment: The Vine-Shroud
- Hymn Of Pan
- Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 1b)
- Fragment: “Igniculus Desiderii'
- Fragment: To Byron
- Fragment: ‘My Head Is Wild With Weeping'
- The Pine Forest Of The Cascine Near Pisa
- The Waning Moon
- Dirge For The Year
- Fragment: ‘And That I Walk Thus Proudly Crowned'
- Fragment: The Lake's Margin
- Lines Written On Hearing The News Of The Death Of Napoleon
- Fragment: To The People Of England
- Fragment: Rain
- The Woodman And The Nightingale
- The Past
- To Emilia Viviani
- Fragment: The Deserts Of Dim Sleep
- Fragment: ‘I Stood Upon A Heaven-Cleaving Turret'
- To Constantia, Singing
- On Fanny Godwin
- On A Faded Violet
- Lines To A Critic
- Invocation To Misery
- To Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
- Fragment: Life Rounded With Sleep
- Lines To A Reviewer
- Similes For Two Political Characters Of 1819
- To Mary Shelley
- Orpheus
- The Fugitives
- Death
- The Sensitive Plant Part I
- Fragment: Zephyrus The Awakener
- The Cloud
- Fragment: Pater Omnipotens
- Fragment: Home
- To Jane: ‘The Keen Stars Were Twinkling'
- Hymn To Intellectual Beauty
- A Lament
- Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 2a)
- Lines Written In The Bay Of Lerici
- Fragment: ‘Alas! This Is Not What I Thought Life Was'
- With A Guitar, To Jane
- Evening: Ponte Al Mare, Pisa
- Fragment: May The Limner
- Fragment: Love's Tender Atmosphere
- Arethusa
- Fragment: ‘I Would Not Be A King'
- To Harriet
- Lines: ‘That Time is Dead For Ever'
- The Tower Of Famine
- Fragment: Milton's Spirit
- To The Nile
- To-Morrow
- Sonnet: Political Greatness
- Fragment: ‘A Gentle Story Of Two Lovers Young'
- Stanza, Written At Bracknell
- Fragments Supposed To Be Parts Of Otho
- Fragment: To The Moon
- Ozymandias
- Fragment: ‘Methought I Was A Billow In The Crowd'
- Marianne's Dream
- To William Shelley III
- The Sensitive Plant Part III
- Fragment: “Amor Aeternus'
- Fragment: ‘Follow To The Deep Wood's Weeds'
- Mutability II (The flower that smiles today...)
- Fragment: Wedded Souls
- Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 2b)
- Ode to the West Wind
- Ode To Naples (Epode 1a)
- Lines: ‘When The Lamp Is Shattered'
- Song For ‘Tasso'
- Love's Philosophy
- Fragment: ‘O Thou Immortal Deity'
- To Sophia
- Fragment: Apostrophe To Silence
- A Hate-Song
- The Aziola
- The Magnetic Lady To Her Patient
- A Vision Of The Sea
- From The Arabic: An Imitation
- Stanzas.—April, 1814
- Fragment On Keats
- The Two Spirits: An Allegory
- Fragment: Music And Sweet Poetry
- Ode To Naples (Strophe 1)
- An Exhortation
- An Ode, Written October, 1819, Before The Spaniards Had Recovered Their Liberty
- Fragment: The False Laurel And The True
- Stanzas Written In Dejection, Near Naples
- To Constantia
- Song Of Proserpine While Gathering Flowers On The Plain Of Enna
- Music
- To —. ‘Oh! There are Spirits of The Air'
- Ode To Naples (Epode 2a)
- Fragment: ‘Great Spirit'
- To William Shelley II
- Fragment: To The Mind Of Man
- Epithalamium
- Fragment: ‘The Death Knell Is Ringing'
- Fragments Written For Hellas
- Liberty
- On The Medusa Of Leonardo Da Vinci In The Florentine Gallery
- Stanzas 1 And 2
- The Birth Of Pleasure
- Song
- Song To The Men Of England
- An Allegory
- Cancelled Stanza
- Sonnet (Lift not the painted veil...)
- Time Long Past
- Fragment: Satan Broken Loose
- ‘Mighty Eagle'
- Lines Written Among The Euganean Hills
- Fragment: A Serpent-Face
- Passage Of The Apennines
- Fiordispina
- Fragment: A Wanderer
- To Edward Williams
- To Jane: The Invitation
- A Fragment: To Music
- Ode To Liberty
- To A Skylark
- Scene From ‘Tasso'
- The Indian Serenade
- Fragment: ‘Such Hope, As Is The Sick Despair Of Good'
- Mutability
- Epitaph
- The Isle
- To Mary —
- Lines: ‘We Meet Not As We Parted'
- Fragment: Death In Life
- Another Fragment: To Music
- Fragment: Thoughts Come And Go In Solitude
- Hymn Of Apollo
- Variation Of The Song Of The Moon
- Time
- Fragment: ‘The Rude Wind Is Singing'
- Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 1a)
- Buona Notte
- From The Original Draft Of The Poem To William Shelley
- The Sensitive Plant Part II
- Fragment: ‘The Viewless And Invisible Consequence'
- Autumn: A Dirge
- ‘O That A Chariot Of Cloud Were Mine'
- Fragment: Love The Universe To-Day
- To Mary Shelley II
- Ode To Naples (Epode 1b)
- To —.' Yet Look On Me.'
- Fragment: To One Singing
- Ginevra
- Fragment: ‘Unrisen Splendour Of The Brightest Sun'
- Love, Hope, Desire, And Fear
- Ode To Naples (Strophe 2)
- The Boat On The Serchio
- Fragment: ‘When Soft Winds And Sunny Skies'
- Remembrance
- Fragment Of A Satire On Satire
- Good-Night
- Fragment: Beauty's Halo
- Fragment: ‘I Faint, I Perish With My Love!'
- Cancelled Passage
- Fragment: Sufficient Unto The Day
- A Summer Evening Churchyard
- Lines: ‘The Cold Earth Slept Below'
- Lines Written During The Castlereagh Administration
- To William Shelley
- National Anthem
- To The Lord Chancellor
- To The Moon
- The Zucca
- The Question
- Fragment: The Lady Of The South
- Ode To Naples (Epode 2b)
- Marenghi
- Otho
- The World's Wanderers
- To Jane: The Recollection