Informationen über das Album Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall von Rufus Wainwright
Wir vorstellen Ihnen das neue Album von Rufus Wainwright mit dem Titel Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall. Das Album wurde am Donnerstag 19 Dezember 2024 herausgegeben.
Wir möchten euch an seiner anderen Alben erinnern, die diesem vorausgegangen sind: Release the Stars / Unfollow the Rules / Poses / Out of the Game / Vibrate: The Best Of / Want One / Rufus Wainwright.
Die 23 Lieder, dass das Album bestehen, sind die folgenden:
Hier ist eine kleine Liederliste, die sich Rufus Wainwright singen entscheiden könnte, einschließlich des Albums, aus dem jedes Lied kommt:
- That's Entertainment
- How Long Has This Been Going On
- When You're Smiling (The Whole World Smiles with You)
- Just You, Just Me
- A Foggy Day
- Medley: Almost Like Being in Love/This Can't Be Love
- Puttin' on the Ritz
- I Can't Give You Anything But Love
- The Man That Got Away
- Who Cares? (As Long as You Care for Me)
- Come Rain or Come Shine
- After You've Gone
- You're Nearer
- Alone Together
- Swanee
- Get Happy
- Chicago
- San Francisco
- Medley: You Made Me Love You/For Me & My Gal/The Trolley Song
- You Go to My Head
- Over the Rainbow
- Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody
- Overture: The Trolley Song/Over the Rainbow/The Man That Got Away
Einige Texte und Übersetzungen von Rufus Wainwright
- Cigarettes And Chocolate MilkRufus Wainwright
- April FoolsRufus Wainwright
- 14th StreetRufus Wainwright
- PosesRufus Wainwright
- Oh What A WorldRufus Wainwright
- Romantical ManRufus Wainwright
- That's EntertainmentRufus Wainwright
- Overture: The Trolley Song / Over The Rainbow / The Man That Got AwayRufus Wainwright
- How Long Has This Been Going OnRufus Wainwright
- HallelujahRufus Wainwright
- Out Of The GameRufus Wainwright
- Sometimes You NeedRufus Wainwright
- Grey GardensRufus Wainwright
- TiergartenRufus Wainwright
- Damsel In DistressRufus Wainwright
- Going To A TownRufus Wainwright
- Trouble In ParadiseRufus Wainwright
- Across The UniverseRufus Wainwright