Dieses Album ist sicher nicht das erste seiner Karriere, wir möchten euch an Alben wie
RWBY, Volume 6 Soundtrack erinnern.
Das Album besteht aus 63 Lieder. Sie können auf die Lieder klicken, um die jeweiliger Texte und Übersetzungen anzuzeigen:
Hier ist eine kleine Liederliste, die sich Jeff Williams singen entscheiden könnte, einschließlich des Albums, aus dem jedes Lied kommt:
- Trust Love
- Into the Mines (Unreleased)
- Are You With Me?
- The Enemy of Trust (Unreleased)
- Apprehended
- I May Fall (Acoustic)
- War
- A New Approach (Unreleased)
- ...Then You Trained Us (Unreleased)
- Right Behind That Door (Unreleased)
- You Big Bag of Bones!
- We All Have Our Talents
- Free Ride and a Show (Unreleased)
- Are You With Me? (Unreleased)
- And I Refuse to Starve
- Party Crashers
- Mantle Overrun
- Nevermore (Peter Jones Remix)
- Time to Do Our Jobs (Unreleased)
- It Was Bait (Unreleased)
- You Are Cordially Invited (Unreleased)
- Into the Mines
- ...And Eat It, Too (Unreleased)
- Celebrate
- A New Approach
- Looking Inward (Unreleased)
- The Timeline Has Changed
- Protector of Mantle (Unreleased)
- The Sisters Schnee
- Enjoy the Cake (Unreleased)
- Apprehended (Unreleased)
- Right Behind That Door
- Enjoy the Cake
- Fear
- Touch The Sky
- Let's Get Real
- Free Ride and a Show
- In the Shadow of Atlas (Unreleased)
- Six Possible Outcomes (Unreleased)
- Full-on Vigilante
- The Timeline Has Changed (Unreleased)
- Brand New Day
- ...And Eat It, Too
- Full-on Vigilante (Unreleased)
- ...Then You Trained Us
- Six Possible Outcomes
- Hey Mom, It's Snowing! (Unreleased)
- It Was Bait
- In the Shadow of Atlas
- Time to Do Our Jobs
- Mantle Overrun (Unreleased)
- We All Have Our Talents (Unreleased)
- Party Crashers (Unreleased)
- The Enemy of Trust
- Protector of Mantle
- Looking Inward
- Hero
- Hey Mom, It's Snowing!
- You Are Cordially Invited
- You Big Bag of Bones! (Unreleased)
- The Sisters Schnee (Unreleased)
- Until the End
- And I Refuse to Starve (Unreleased)