Informationen über das Album Phineas and Ferb (Songs from the TV Series) von Bowling For Soup
Wir vorstellen Ihnen das neue Album von Bowling For Soup mit dem Titel Phineas and Ferb (Songs from the TV Series). Das Album wurde am Dienstag 22 September 2009 herausgegeben.
Dieses Album ist sicher nicht das erste seiner Karriere, wir möchten euch an Alben wie Tell Me When To Whoa / Fishin’ For Woos / Drunk Dynasty erinnern.
Das ist die Liste der 26 Lieder, dass das Album bestehen. Sie können draufklicken, um die Übersetzung und den Text zu sehen.
Diese sind einige der Erfolge, die von Bowling For Soup gesungen wurden. In Klammern finden Sie den Albumnamen:
- Today Is Gonna Be a Great Day
- Ain't Got Rhythm by Phineas and Ferb
- Alien Heart by Phineas and Ferb
- Let's Take A Rocketship To Space by Danny And The Jaytones
- You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart by Love Händel
- Gitchee Gitchee Goo by Phineas and the Ferbtones
- Busted by Phineas and Ferb
- Little Brothers by Phineas and Ferb
- Backyard Beach by Ferb Fletcher
- My Nemesis by Danny Jacob
- Do Nothing Day by Jeremy and the Incidentals
- S.I.M.P.
- I Love You Mom by Candace Flynn
- Phinedroids and Ferbots by Phineas and Ferb
- My Goody Two-Shoes Brother by Dr. Doofenshmirtz
- E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S. by Candace Flynn
- Ready for the Bettys by The Bettys
- Busted by Candace & Vanessa
- Perry the Platypus Theme
- Queen Of Mars by Candace Flynn
- He's a Bully by Robbie Wyckoff
- My Undead Mummy and Me by Danny Jacob
- Disco Miniature Golfing Queen by Laura Dickinson
- I'm Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun by Lindana
- Truck Drivin' Girl by Danny Jacob
- When We Didn't Get Along by Danny Jacob